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Join a DAO
as a member

Welcome to the Future of Work! Follow the simple steps below to join one (or more!) of the 95+ DAOs in the Hypha Network. Discover opportunities to get involved and experience the thrill of working for DAOs.

Step 1 > Explore the Hypha Network

Explore our network of DAOs and Choose your Next Adventure!

Discover your perfect DAO match! With so many DAOs, there’s bound to be one (or even multiple!) that aligns perfectly with your interests.

Step 2 > Login to your Account

Login to your Hypha Account to enter the DAO

In order to access any DAO on the Hypha network, simply login into your Hypha Account. If you don’t have one, just click on the "create hypha account" button to create one. You can read more about how to create an hypha account by clicking here

Next Step

Step 3 > Apply to Join

Find your perfect match? Apply to join now!

Congrats on discovering the DAO for you! At Hypha, we prioritize our customers’ security and ensure a bot-free environment by vetting all applicants before admission.

Next Step

Step 4 > Enrollment

Your application is under review! Check back for updates.

Your work is done for now! Sit back and relax until your application has been approved.

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