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Activation Method

For each workshop stake Hypha Tokens for the equivalent of:

DAO Expert Deep Dives

Our DAO Expert Deep Dive Workshops are designed for the DAO founder ready to delve into the intricate nuances of DAO strategy and operations.

Elevate your vision with specialized insights and strategies presented by Hypha Consultants - individuals with unmatched expertise in their domain.


Flexible Scheduling:

Various workshop slots cater to different time zones and schedules, ensuring global accessibility.

Pre-Workshop Materials:

Prior to the workshop, receive materials to prepare, ensuring maximum value extraction during the session.

Feedback Channel:

Post-workshop, share your experiences and insights, helping us continually refine our offerings.

Example Workshops

Example Workshop Topics

What's included in this offer

Specialized Focus:

Engage in a targeted exploration of specific areas within DAO strategy and operations, like tokenomics, governance, and more.

90-Minute Immersion:

Make the most of intensive sessions, designed to offer deep insights within a concentrated time frame.

Learn from the Best:

Workshops led by Hypha Affiliates and Consultants, each a recognized expert in their area of discourse.

Highly Interactive:

These aren’t just lectures. Expect dynamic discussions, Q&A segments, and active participation.

Up-to-Date Strategies:

Stay ahead with the latest strategies and methodologies in the rapidly evolving world of DAOs.

Network and Collaborate:

Connect with other DAO founders, fostering a community of shared learning and potential collaborations.

Let's DAO it!

If you're a DAO founder seeking to elevate your strategic and operational prowess, Hypha's Expert Deep Dive Workshops are your way forward.

Customers Testimonials

Hear from others how Hypha’s Services have helped their transformations

More informations about the activation process:

How Do I Buy and Stake Hypha Tokens?

You can purchase Hypha tokens using either BTC or EOS, and soon with fiat. We’ll provide a dedicated link for the payment process to make the transaction seamless and secure.

Why Do We have to stake Hypha tokens for the service?

Staking Hypha tokens for DAO services is a way to make services as affordable as possible. Instead of directly paying for the services, members are asked to stake the tokens. This means the tokens remain in the DAO’s staked treasury, and they can use them to activate additional members.

Staking also aligns the interests of both the participating DAO and the Hypha DAO Expert Team. Additionally, it supports the Hypha Network’s growth and utility, benefitting the broader community.

What Does It Mean To ‘Stake Tokens’?

Staking tokens means locking up a certain amount of tokens in a smart contract or a specific platform mechanism for a predetermined period. During this period, the staked tokens are not accessible for selling or transferring. Staking often supports the operations of a network.

In the context of our DAO services, staking Hypha tokens allows members to access and activate services. The staked tokens remain in the DAO’s staked treasury.

For How Long Do We Need To Stake Hypha Tokens?

Tokens are staked so long as your DAO is active. The tokens can be used for actual members in your DAO.

Who Can Pay For The Service?

Any DAO that is looking to launch, activate, and scale its ecosystem can pay for the service. We recommend it is a Core Member of the DAO or the legal entity behind the DAO paying for the service.

Do We Receive A Receipt Or Invoice Once Purchased?

Yes, once your purchase is completed and confirmed, you’ll receive a receipt from Hypha detailing the transaction for your records.

Example Workshop Topics Include:
  • Core Team DAO Genesis and Onboarding
    Activate your core team and the genesis of your DAO
  • Go-to-market Design
    Design your go to market approach
  • Value Model
    Deep dive into how your DAO creates and captures value in the world
  • Tokenomics Mastery:
    Dive deep into the world of tokens, their utility, valuation, and role in a DAO’s ecosystem.
  • Constitution Design
    How to collaboratively build your constitution within your core team and community
  • Legal Framework Design
    Guidance on the different legal frameworks to use for your DAO and the differences between major jurisdictions
  • Governance Protocols:
    Understand the frameworks that facilitate decision-making within DAOs.
  • Membership and Engagement:
    Delve into the dynamics of community engagement, roles, and motivation.